In the past week, EmbedQuiz got some new features!
The goal of this update was, to help users get started building their quizzes as fast as possible and improve the overall user experience.
Outcome quiz
Besides major design updates, a Quiz type, previously named Classification quiz, has been renamed Outcome quiz. We added illustrations and a description to each quiz type to help you select the right option for your idea!
New Connections page
Previously, you could connect answers to outcomes in the answer editor. Now, we created a new page called “Connections”. Here you can simply add answers to each outcome. This helps you create Outcome quizzes much faster and you can see the whole logic of your quiz in one place!
Quiz maker walkthrough
To help you learn the basics of EmbedQuiz quickly, we created a short walkthrough tutorial for both Point/percent and Outcome quizzes. Of course, if you already feel confident building quizzes, you can skip the walkthrough with one click!
We are constantly working on new features to make EmbedQuiz as helpful as possible and hope you find our tool useful! ❤️