Currently, there are three types of quizzes available on EmbedQuiz.
Point/percent quiz
With this quiz type you can upload questions and to every question, you can add many different answers, from which one is correct. According to the user’s responses, EmbedQuiz will calculate the results based on the number of correct results compared to all questions.
You can use point/percent-type quizzes to create math, grammar, or geography tests or measure your user’s knowledge in any given topic.
Learn more about creating Point/percent quizzes with EmbedQuiz here.
Outcome quiz
This type of quiz enables you to categorize your users according to their answers to different questions. Each answer can be connected to an outcome with a likeliness selected on a 0-10 scale.
You can use outcome quizzes to create personality tests or suggest products to users according to their needs.
Learn more about creating Outcome quizzes with EmbedQuiz here.
Forms can be used to collect data from users. You can add different types of input fields, multiple-choice questions, and upload videos, images, and texts.
Contact forms, order forms, and customer feedback surveys are some of the most common types of forms you can create with EmbedQuiz.
If you need a new type of quiz or have an idea for any improvement, feel free to contact me!